How Many Bookshelves Do You Need for an Enchanting Table?

Minecraft players know the importance of enchanting for upgrading their weapons, armour, and tools. Enchantment gives your gear certain abilities making survival, combat and mining easier and efficient. Surround yourself by learning how many bookshelves for enchanting table, if you are for a strong weapon.   

So, how many bookshelves are needed for an enchanting table? Let’s dig into enchanting mechanics in Minecraft before each perfect setup for the highest-level enchantments.

Understanding Enchanting Tables

As a block in Minecraft, the enchanting table is used to apply special abilities to gear, using experience levels and lapis lazuli. However, the amount of bookshelves sited around the enchanting table highly determines how powerful the enchanting table would be. 

The enchantment’s strength is defined as the enchantment level for the enhancements applied to an item. The best enchantments require high levels, while bookshelves assist in increasing those levels.

Minimum and Maximum Bookshelf Requirements

By default, an enchanting table without bookshelves can give enchantments of up to level 8. However, you will be required to surround the enchanting table with bookshelves to ensure that it gives at least level 30 enchantments (which is the highest it can give).

The ideal number of bookshelves to reach maximum enchantments is 15. These must be one block away from the enchanting table. Anything closer or farther away will make the bookshelves less effective.

How to Arrange Bookshelves for Maximum Efficiency

To allow your enchanting table to work at full capacity, you only need to arrange the bookshelves correctly around it. Below are stepwise instructions explaining exactly how to go about this:

  1. Start with the Enchanting Table: Place the enchanting table into the ground in a U- or square shape, with bookshelves positioned one block away from it. 
  2. Arrange Bookshelves in a Perimeter: Don’t let bookshelves sit directly next to the enchanting table. 
  3. Build a Second Layer: For a good-looking and compact arrangement, stack your bookshelves two blocks high in a 5×5 square, leaving one gap for easy access to the table.
  4. Keep an Open Pathway: Ensure that there is at least one accessible way to ease the approach to the enchanting table.

What Happens if You Use More or Fewer Bookshelves?

  • Less than 15 bookshelves: Enchantment levels will decrease, so you may miss out on some great enchantments by that.
  • More than 15 bookshelves: Any bookshelf higher than 15 does not increase any enchantment levels further beyond that. You can stop at 15 without wasting any resources.

Additional Tips for Enchanting in Minecraft

  • Use Lapis Lazuli Wisely: For enchanting, you will need lapis lazuli, so be sure to carry a good supply of it.
  • Increase Your Experience Levels: Higher-tier enchantments demand high experience. An ideal XP farm can help you to propel your levels.
  • Combine Enchanted Books: If you do get low-tier enchantments, combine enchanted books at an anvil to make them more powerful.
  • Use the Grindstone: If an enchantment does not work for you, remove it with a grindstone and try again.


To obtain the best enchantments in Minecraft, you’ll need exactly 15 bookshelves placed one block distance from your enchanting table. This way, you can reach critical enchantment level 30 to have a high chance of getting powerful enchantments.

With your knowledge of the enchanting table and bookshelves, the gameplay experience will be much more enjoyable as you prepare yourself for hazards in never-ending Minecraft. Be it hostile mobs, mining for rare ores, or venturing into the Nether; the proper enchanting of your items can be a game-changer. Gather your books, craft those bookshelves, and then enchant your way to riches! 

If you want to know more about Minecraft game then click here: The Gaming Guider

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