Privacy Policy For The Gaming Guider

At TheGamingGuider, our team never sell, rent or publish the personal details with user’s consent. Our company is continually protecting the privacy of the user & respecting the Guidelines Of Google. However, TheGamingGuider can change the privacy policy at any time. If you want to be aware of the complicated & minor changes then it is the responsibility of every user to review the privacy policy on a regular basis.

However, we are continually expanding, enhancing & updating our services. This privacy policy can change anytime so you must refer back to the policy periodically. Moreover, TheGamingGuider is respecting the privacy of our beloved users. Hence, our company is already committed to protecting in all respects. In case you have doubt about our website or any other thing then you must read the vital terms & conditions and privacy policy linked to this website. This important privacy policy applies to those users who are browsing or using services.

What Kind Of Data Is Gathered And Why Our Company Is Collecting It?


In case any person leaves a comment on our blog or website then we gather the vital information in the form of comments and IP address of user & browser user agent string to assist the detection of spam. If your comment is already approved on our official website then your profile picture will surely be visible to every person in the form of your comment.

Important Media

If you are uploading any kind of picture or video to our official website then you will have to always any kind of image with the embedded data of the location. Users of TheGamingGuider can easily download and extract any kind of important data of the location from images on our website.

Contact forms

The main aim of the contact form is to enable any person to contact you. In case any visitor of the website has any question or comment then you obviously need to respond to them to answer that specific comment or question & that is the main reason contact forms collect crucial details like names, emails & addresses as well. This important detail is also known as Personally Identifiable Information or PII for short that will be used to identify a specific person. Privacy laws always govern the use, collection & disclosure of PII & websites which collect PII will be always subject to these important privacy laws.


If you are leaving any specific comment on our blog then one must opt-in to saving the name, email address & site in cookies. These are for convenience so you will not have to fill in the vital details again whenever you are leaving any specific comment. These cookies will last for approximately one year only. If you are clicking on our login page then we will surely set a temporary cookie that can easily analyze in case the browser accepts the cookies. These cookies aren’t packed with any kind of personal details & will surely be discarded whenever you are closing the browser.

If you have logged in then we will set up the various cookies that will save important login details & the choices of a screen display. Bear in mind that, log-in details will not last for more than 48 hours. If you are one who is tapping on the Remember Me Option then login will surely persist for almost 2 weeks. If you are logging out of the account then login cookies will be deleted from the TheGamingGuider. 

If any user is editing or publishing any article on our official website then important cookies will surely be saved in the browser. These are important cookies that aren’t packed with important personal information and depict the ID of the article that you have already edited. It will able to disclose within 1 day.

Google DoubleClick Dart Cookie

Google is well known as a third-party vendor on TheGamingGuider. It has become one of the most popular platforms which are using cookies that are also considered DART cookies.  Any kind of user will surely be able to choose to decline the use of dart cookies by tapping on the content network.

Embedded Content From Any Other Website

However, articles on TheGamingGuider will surely be included in embedded content ( e.g, videos, articles, visuals, etc.)

How Much Time TheGamingGuider Will Take To Retain Important Data Of The Users?

If you are browsing our website and leaving a particular comment on any post then comment and metadata will be retained indefinitely. We have an expert team that can easily recognize and approved any kind of follow-up comments instead of holding them in any long queue.  If you are completing the registration on our official website then we are also storing the important information they are providing in your profile. Every user can easily delete, edit or view personal details at any time and anywhere. However, administrators of TheGamingGuider can easily monitor and edit important details.

What Are The Rights That You Have On Your Vital Data?

If you have an account on our official website or leave any comment then you can easily request to get a specific file of the personal information, we are already holding about you.  If you are already requested to erase important information that we are holding about you then we can easily erase it.

Important GDPR DATA Protection rights

TheGamingGuider would like to make that our team has sufficient knowledge about all the vital data protection rights. Every single user is entitled to the following important things.

Access To Important Details

One can easily request several copies of your personal data. We are charging a small fee for this kind of service.

Important Right To The Rectification

Any type of user will surely have the right to request that we correct any important information that you believe is wrong. A visitor will have the right that we must complete the detail that you always believed which is incomplete.

If you are already making any specific request then we will surely have approximately 30 days to respond to the users. If you need to exercise any of these important rights then you must contact us through email.

Vital Privacy Policies For The Advertising Partners

If you are one who wants to know more information about our advertising partners then you should check and get genuine information about every single advertising partner.  However, ad servers and third-party advertising servers are always making use of vital technologies like Cookies, JavaScript, and Web Beacons that are already used in their advertisement respective & vital links which are already available on the that are already sent to the users’ browsers. They are making access to IP addresses whenever it occurs.

Note – will not able to access or control these important cookies that are used by any type of third-party advertising agency.