A Definitive Guide to Sheh Rata Shrine – The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a record-breaking series-based video game. If you are also a game enthusiastic or want to play some adventurous gameplay, The Legend of Zelda is made for you. It is a world of discovery, exploration, and adventure that serves incredible gaming experiences to each player. During the gameplay, players will travel through the forests, vast fields, and mountain peaks as you are moving to discover. The game is featured with varied incredible and top-notch features and functionalities that boost up its hype around the entire globe. Some of them are A Definitive Guide to Sheh Rata Shrine– The Legend of Zelda.

What is Sheh Rata Shrine?

Sheh Rata Shrine is defined as one of the shrines located in the Lanayru region of the Legend of Zelda. To get inside the location, players are required to explode the brambles with fire. The Sheh Rata Shrine is filled with several interesting challenges like The Speed of Light Trial. It is a puzzle that has been created to manipulate a beam of light to activate a pressure plate and hit a crystal.

If you also want to try the Sheh Rata Shrine’s: The Speed of Light Trial, here we have mentioned a brief guide that would prove helpful to you.

Sheh Rata Shrine Walkthrough: The Speed of Light Trial

As we discussed earlier, Sheh Rata Shrine is designed with several exciting features likewise The Speed of Light Trial. During the Speed of Light Trial, once a player will go inside, he/she will find a high above flooded region down the stairs from their current position, a crystal, low-level water, and to the left a large turntable wheel. After that, before taking any step one must hop down to the right side of the entrance to attain a chest on a ledge that contains Opal.

After obtaining the chest, the player will have to go back to the puzzle, where turning the wheel will spin the beam around a complete 360 degrees along with hitting the crystal on the way. However, the crystal being hit will boost up the water level and in return, it will allow you to swim around to the far side.

Now, a player will go to the lever to kick start the laser moving in preparation to lower down the water level. Suddenly, it starts moving and swims dash to the other side. Once the water goes to the lower phase, one will grab the metal barrel in another room and bring it down to the pressure plate to open the final chamber. Lastly, the player will detonate the bomb to boost the water level and develop an ice platform to get to the chest holding a Giant Boomerang to the right side. Finally, the player can approach Monk Sheh Ruta Shrine and attain the Spirit Orb.


On the whole, The Legend of Zelda is filled with lots of adventure and exciting features that serve as an amazing gaming experience to players. Well, we hope you will get useful information from the above-mentioned information to the Sheh Rata Shrine location and successfully enjoy the exciting features of it.

 For getting more details, you can click here – The Gaming Guider

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