Destiny 2 Austringer God Roll

Destiny 2 Austringer God Roll specialization in Destiny 2 ranks among the greatest in the game, and it will only become stronger with the upcoming Forsaken DLC. Destiny 2 Austringer guide.

Destiny 2 Austringer God Roll specialization in Destiny 2 ranks among the greatest in the game, and it will only become stronger with the upcoming Forsaken DLC. The Austringer is much more lethal compared to ever before, thanks to new perks and a more potent Fan of Blades. You may acquire the best character rolls on the Austringer and have your opponents fear the sounds of your swords if you are a skilled player.

With Season of the Haunted, one of the Destiny 2 community’s sweethearts returned, bringing Austringer back into the mix. This opulent hand cannon may be obtained from the Derelict Leviathan, containing Extravagant Chests, and there are several reasons to pursue it.

Not just to is this one of the more distinctive hand weapons in the gameplay, but it is also one of the rare non-sunset weapons. Austringer, a mythical sword with ornamentation, may also come with a bevy of strong rolls and big stats, making it a superb complement to any writer’s armory. It also is completely craftable after removing deep sight Vibration from it 5 times, adding another degree of personalization.

What’s new in this perk?

The Destiny 2 Austringer God Roll got a few new perks, as well as a new spool-up mechanic for its Fan of Knives. – They say that the best things come to those who wait. Well, I’m here to say that the best perks come to those who wait. Have you ever wondered how some Hunters manage to get their cooldowns back right away? – Have you ever asked yourself how they manage to get a couple of kills and then vanish into thin air? – Well, I’m here to tell you that they’re not magic, they’ve just mastered their subclass to the point where they can almost predict the future.

Fast Hands and Hidden Hand – what does it do?

  • Fast Hands gives us a lethality boost as well as a quicker reload speed.
  • Hidden Hand increases the duration of our agility dodge for a few seconds after we shoot the first shot in a burst.

The new perks

We still have the same core set-up as the launch of Destiny 2, but we now have a few new perks to play around with. – These include a perk that gives us a faster reload after an agility dodge and another that refills our magazine after we pop a few heads in Crucible matches.

How to get Austringer God Roll?

This is an advanced guide for the extremely skilled and advanced players, who have mastered their art of the Hunter class. This Destiny 2 Austringer God Roll guide is not for the faint of heart and it will require you to have a thorough understanding of all the aspects of the Hunter class in order to succeed.


Destiny 2 Austringer God Roll is one of the best subclasses in the game, and it can only get better with the new Forsaken DLC. With new perks and a more powerful Fan of Knives, the Austringer is more deadly than ever before. If you’re a skilled player, you can obtain the best god roll on the Austringer and make your enemies fear the sound of your blades. If you want to know more information Destiny 2 game then click here: The Gaming Guider

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