Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm – Fast & Easy Method in 2024

Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm, Destiny 2 eyasluna god Roll Perks for PvP and PvE. How To Get Eyasluna Hand Cannon In Destiny 2, weapon full guides.

Today I’m going to show you Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm hand cannon quickly and repeatedly in the new grasp of avarice dungeon. If you’re wondering hey wait, I thought that the new dungeon sadly was not farmable. I’ve run it more than one time and I didn’t get any repeat loot drops partially true for week one the new dungeon was not farmable.

However, starting on December 14th which hopefully is one day after this video goes live, you’ll be able to farm the new dungeon repeatedly just like another favorite farm. The prophecy dungeon farm I’ve got a bunch of tips for you today on how to complete the final encounter quickly without working too hard not to mention the loot table.

From where do you get Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm

For every dungeon encounter but before we get going, I want to give a shout-out to the sponsor of today’s video ridge wallets these things are beautiful and I’m glad to promote them on my channel because I’ve been using one myself for about the past year no joke this right here has been my actual wallet a lot of guys.

Lugging around wallets like this big bulky floppy and uncomfortable doesn’t sit well in your pocket you got to move.

it’s around when you sit down as I mentioned over a year of the ridge wallet and I’m just never going back it’s light sleek and efficient it doesn’t fold or bulge out awkwardly in your pocket.

It’s got room for all me cards and a clip for bills when I am carrying cash, they’ve got over 30 colors and styles on their website including carbon fiber and burnt titanium sounds like a destiny shader they’ve got thirty thousand five-star reviews one of them being mine and each wallet comes with a lifetime warranty yes you can buy just one wallet and boom carry. First things first why don’t we look at the overall loot chart for the grasp of avarice dungeon the only encounter that drops the eyes?

Myth Behind Eyasluna 1000 Square Yard

Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm is the final boss fights a loot pool for that fight is kind of annoyingly large but look on the bright side every final encounter completion will drop double loot. Meaning you have a two out of seven shot at getting a Luna to drop with every boss kills other drops include. Every type of Armor drop or the 1000-yard stair sniper. It worked in every other dungeon which is your repeat loot drops are limited to what you’ve currently unlocked in your loot pool meaning.

Is Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm Good?

If you’ve run through the new dungeon for the first time on all your characters, but you haven’t gotten the Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm to drop yet well guess what you can run the boss fight 100 more times that week and that Luna is never going to drop for you. Farming will only yield what you’ve currently unlocked in the loot pool the first time you run a dungeon each week per character. That’s the only time you can earn new items in the loot pool that could be good news for you though if you’ve only run the dungeon one time so far.

You’ve only got the Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm and a piece of Armor you already got the Luna unlocked in your loot pool and you can keep cranking out repeat runs with good odds of getting it to drop repeatedly. I hope that makes sense TLDR only farm for Luna if you have it unlocked.

If you have one that dropped from the dungeon already potentially more bad news back in the day you could hold a checkpoint from week to week. You did that by hanging out in the encounter as the weekly reset rolled over then you would just load up the encounter wipe reload the checkpoint.

Eyasluna Easy and farm Method?

Bing Bang Boom and you got the checkpoint week to week. Now before you can load up a checkpoint and farm it a million times you must first go through and complete the entire dungeon at least one point during the week to make things easier when going through. The dungeon for your first full clear of the week when you get to the final boss fight quickly changes characters re-join. Your friend’s fire team then loads up and wipes on the final encounter then changes back to the character.

You’ve been doing the dungeon that way after your first full clear that week you already have a boss checkpoint saved on another character which you can load up and then begin farming. If you continue to hold that checkpoint on a different character alright we’re going to start talking Loadouts and Farm Method now.

I must mention the following Bungie has apparently nerfed the incredible op-focusing lens and radiant good strategy that we’ve all been using for a damn long time if you remember.

Why did Bungie Change its way in Destiny 2?

Today you’ll see the way Bungie changed it, by the way, is now only the warlock who drops the radiant. This will drop their weapon fire buffed by focusing lens if the target is slowed or frozen. Anybody else standing in that well will not get that focusing lens buff applied to their weapons outside of that focusing lens still works the regular intended way by buffing.

Light abilities aka supers’ grenades and melees against targets that are frozen. The good news is that even with the focusing lens stealth nerf the revenant hunter still isn’t a bad choice if you want to dungeon farm because well in the final boss fight there are two ultra-enemies that kind of roam around the middle of the map.

A camo vandal and a shank you don’t really need to kill them but they’re incredibly annoying if left alive because they hit hard, they can up your run when you’re dunking your rebuff in the main crystal. If you’re trying to shoot the big bad boss without getting flinched. Therefore, I recommend you kill them immediately and we’ve found that hitting them right off the bat with a revenant super and a radiant weld.

Together is an easy effective method of killing them both immediately when you’ve rallied at a banner run up to where you launch the encounter and stay there at the top of that staircase. The boss will pop out and run to the middle of the area but if you wait a few more seconds the two ultras will run out of that same staircase too right. When they do you can clap them immediately just drop that radiant well and chuck a revenant super point-blank. You can also do it with a tether hunter which also slows them right out of the gate, but the revenant hunter was a bit easier.

Usage of super rights to Kill ultras

Why use your supers right off the bat to kill two ultras when you should be saving them for the boss well remember that when you pick up those engram rebuffs to dump into the crystal later picking up 10 of those will completely replenish your super. So, with that in mind why not use two supers right off the bat to smoke those annoying ass yellow bar jargon you see my point anyway with the two ultras dead.

You can now look for the scorch cannon fallen kill them then take the cannon you should already have a few engrams from the camo vandal ultra which hopefully you’ve dunked. Now with the cannon, you only need to shoot and unlock two energy reactors to get enough engrams to move onto the damage phase early on in my footage. The way I was waiting around with the cannon for my teammates to get all the motes and dunk them all into the middle before I moved forward with shooting the second energy reactor.

You should not be doing that if you’re the scorch cannon teammate move quickly, we’re supposed to be farming here fully charging up to one reactor then. When it’s unlocked immediately rotate over to another and keep it going when you’ve got all the engrams from both reactors drop head to the middle and dunk them to begin. Dps here’s where.

we get into what weapons y’all should be bringing first. Down below along the lines of well what about I don’t know three falling star Titans sure that in addition to good weapon picks will work.

How Players Can Acquire G-HORN

I just want to recommend things that most teams can do without being super pigeonholed to things like three Titans or whatever all right with that out of the way. Why don’t we talk gal you wanted to talk about options that most players can use and Gjallarhorn is paid content well. The dungeon is also paid content therefore anyone who can play the dungeon can also acquire g-horn and get wrecked a team of three Gjallarhorns can work.

If all three of them don’t have the exotic catalyst unlocked. Three Gjallarhorn will work by the way I mean in combination with a titan bubble and a tether hunter. You will notice that we also have a warlock and a radiant well that doesn’t stack with bubbles. We’re just keeping that on the floor for health regen purposes even if all three of you don’t have the catalyst.

It brings a strong special weapon back up like a fusion rifle with a vorpal weapon when you run out of g-horn ammo if you’re going to go the g-horn route. I strongly recommend you also bring the following two rocket launchers to reload Armor mods for faster rocket reloading the Luna faction boots for even faster rocket launcher reloading two rockets. It will take your rocket ammo count from seven up to nine I should also mention if you’re going to do a triple rocket launcher strategy you only need just one g horn.

Story of TLDR in Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm

Tldr is that you’ll get even more damage output when using other rockets in tandem with g-horn including 4-ball rockets. Lasting compression rockets and explosive light rockets therefore if three Gjallarhorn without the catalyst will work obviously you’ll have an even easier time.

If you use just one g horn paired together with two vorpal rockets two lasting impression rockets whatever just make sure you’ve got Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm faction boots on the warlock and double rocket. Reload Armor mods to really crank out your reload speed as high as it can go even though g-horn.


Dungeon dropped remember it got an extra damage buff in PvE like for real this time with the rocket launcher start yeah, it’s possible to up and not kill the boss in one phase. If you don’t move quickly enough if you don’t reload quickly enough with sleeper. Destiny 2 Eyasluna Farm

It’s kind of hard to not get the job done g-horn will also eventually run out of ammo leaving you to finish up the boss with fusion rifles or other special weapons. With sleeper trust me you’re going to have plenty of ammo left by the time the boss goes nighty night however if you’re going to go the triple sleeper route.  

If you want to know more information Destiny 2 game then click here: The Gaming Guider

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